
Alla Jakobson
The chairman of the Jewish Community of Estonia, Sworn advocate

Jüri Ratas
Prime Minister of Estonia

Dov Segev-Steinberg
Ambassador of Israel

Shmuel Kot
The Chief Rabbi of Estonia

Robert Singer
World Jewish Congress Chief Executive Officer, Executive Vice-President

Marina Kaljurand
Ambassador, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia

Ralf-Martin Soe
Advisor to Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology

Stefan Oscar
JDC Director of operations for Europe, Asia and Africa

Maestro Andres Mustonen

Gennady Gramberg
Member of the Board of Jewish Community of Estonia

Elina Post
Tallinn Jewish School student

Elie Valk
Association of Estonian and Latvian Jews in Israel

Aaron Arkadi Raihshtein
FortAero CEO & CFO / Co-Owner

Michael Burich
Entrepreneur & Owner / CEO of Cafe Mademoiselle

Rolan Jankelevitch
Partner in law firm DERLING

Yaron Nadbornik
President of the Council of Jewish Communities in Finland